MikeFlix Case Study


MikeFlix is a web application, developed using the MERN stack, that provides users with access to information about movies, directors, and genres.
Users can create an account, update their personal information, and create a list of favorite movies.

Purpose & Context

MikeFlix was a personal project I built as part of my full-stack web development course at CareerFoundy, to demonstrate my mastery of JavaScript development.

With the vast supply of movies available for people to watch, it is often hard to know exactly what to watch. The number of streaming apps and websites can sometimes be a bit overwhelming when it comes time to decide on what to watch and often settling on a less-than-ideal show.

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The project aim was to have an ambitious full-stack project I could add to my professional portfolio.
The problem I wanted to solve was to build the complete server-side and client-side application from scratch.


The development of the complete application took me around 2 months, though it took me longer to build the client-side, given it was my first interaction with React.


Server Side

I created a RESTful API using Node.js and Express, that interacts with a non-relational database (MongoDB) which, given its flexibility, makes it a great choice for storing organic data with constantly changing requirements.

The API can be accessed via commonly used HTTP methods like GET and POST. To retrieve data from and store data in the database, CRUD methods are used. The API provides movie information in JSON format.
To test the API, I used Postman. I also included user authentication and authorization in the form of basic HTTP authentication and JWT authentication.

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Client Side

Once the server side was set up, I started to build the interface users would need when making requests to, and receiving responses from the server-side.
It is a single-page, responsive application developed with React and React-Redux. It provides several interface views, including, but not limited to, a main view (shows a list of all movies), a single movie view (shows data about a single movie and allows users to add the movie to their list of favorites), a login view, a registration view and a profile view (where users can update their user data and list of favorites).

Developing the client-side took me a while, to fully understand the flow of React Redux and how to manage the state of the application. With the help of external resources such as blogs and videos, I finally got a clearer image of the data flow. With Redux the shared state from the components is put into a centralized location, outside the component tree, giving every component the ability to access that state or trigger actions.

Class VS Functional Components

In React everything consists of two types of components: class components and functional components.
For MikeFlix front-end, I utilized a mix of both types to practice both spectrums. In a real-world scenario, more consistency would be advisable.

With React latest versions, class components have taken a back seat to functional components. Deciding which component to use always devolves into a discussion of inheritance vs composition. Using functional components encourages composition, while class components lend themselves to inheritance design patterns.

Although I would opt in using functional components most of the time, React still supports class components for legacy purposes.

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This was my most challenging and rewarding project to build. It taught me how to create an application from the ground up, both the front-end and back-end. I have enjoyed building the API and working with database structures.

React is one of the most popular javascript frameworks and because of it, the availability of resources is extensive, which helped me with a better understanding of its concepts. At first, the concept of state and unidirectional data flow in React was hard to grasp but it eventually made sense. By defining and separating the concepts involved in state management and enforcing rules that maintain independence between views and states, we give our code more structure and maintainability.
This is the basic idea behind Redux: a single centralized place to contain the global state in your application, and specific patterns to follow when updating that state to make the code predictable.

All the research on this subject helped me improve not only my googling and researching skills, one of web developer's best friends but also made me more succinctly understand React component three and the difference between one-way data flow vs storing state outside the component tree.


MikeFlix was my first full-stack web application. Learning the ins and outs of React was one of the most fun experiences I had learning a new tool, and it just made me appreciate the thought put into it and the simplicity, structure, and reusability it gives your application.


My role was as lead developer, but I also have to point out the support and direction given by my mentor Mohamed and tutor Adam throughout the project. Both provided valuable insight into different ways to approach problems, and suggestions on how to structure the site.

Key Takeaways


  • How to set up and use NodeJS with nvm (node version manager) and npm (node package manager) to run JavaScript without a browser
  • How to create API endpoints with Express and test them with Postman
  • How to use middleware
  • Relational and non-relational databases (usage, differences, and advantages)
  • Authentication and authorization (HTTP and JWT) with Passport middleware
  • Data security with CORS and password hashing


  • How to use Parcel built tool to convert (transpile, bundle and minify) a project from the development stage to a production version
  • Class components and functional components in React
  • Using lifecycle methods and hooks to "schedule" when certain operations are executed
  • Working with state and props to manage in-memory data and pass it between components
  • How to work with Redux in React state management (data flow between components)